Kung Fu Panda 2008 - 240x320

EA Kung Fu Panda 2008 - 240x320
Author EA/Electronic Arts
Description For those who've been hiding in a Shaolin temple for the past year, Kung Fu Panda is the latest digital creation from DreamWorks set to take on the mighty Pixar in the ever-continuing CGI dance-off that is the summer blockbuster season.

We've seen more creature-based animated capers than you can shake a video renderer's external hard-drive at and Kung Fu Panda is yet another entrée in the canonical feast. However, in the backroom of our minds carpeted in gooey cynicism, I think we'd all like to believe that at some board meeting, some over-paid exec has insisted that the number of views the famous 'Panda Sneezing' video on Youtube got was a sure sign that a panda flick couldn't fail.

Oh yes, pandas are most certainly 'in' this season.

Following in the solid but unimaginative footfalls of its cinematic father, Kung Fu Panda is a solid but unimaginative side-scrolling platformer. In it you get to take on the role of the two main characters in the ten game levels. Well, actually you get to play as three different characters, but you won't discover that until you finish the game. Oops.
Filesize 290.15 kB
Date Wednesday 02 July 2008 - 21:50:28
Downloads 155