Android First Example: Hello World

Android First Example: Hello World


Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.
More details link:

The Android SDK contains API necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.
In this article I point out the steps for making the hello world example and running it in the emulator.

The Steps:

In order to write the example follow these steps

* The Android SDK

o Download the sdk (select your developing platform)

o Extract it into your hard drive directory

* Java Code

o Make a new java project
o set in the project class path android.jar (you can find it in sdk zip file)
o make a new java class into
o copy this source code in

//package name must be composed of at least two java identifiers

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class Hello extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Make a new text view passing Activity object
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
//Set a text into view
tv.setText("Hello World");
//set the view into activity view container

o compile code

* Build and install The apps

o In tools sdk directory you can find activitycreator.bat, launch it by passing the complete package name and class name:

activitycreator -o c:\android

o The script prepare the android application putting it into c:\android directory

o Now you need ant tools in order to build the android application

Download it from:

o Go in c:\android directory
o Launch: "ant -f build.xml" command

(note: if you go in "Unable to locate tools.jar" error you must set correctly jdk classpath.)

you'll be left with a file named Hello-debug.apk under the 'bin' directory

o Go again in tools sdk directory.

Now you can use adb command in order to install the apk file into android emulator

o First launch the emulator (if you don't adb command fails)

(note: in order to launch emulator you must execute the emulator.exe command in sdk tools directory.)

o Then launch the follow command: adb install c:\android\bin\hello-debug.apk

* Run The example

o Close the emulator
o Re-launch the emulator

o Click on the arrow in the bottom of the screen so you open the application list, now you can